Sports Programs and Initiatives
Gozo Hub – Special Olympics in Gozo for a Fair Society

I congratulate Special Olympics Malta on launching their new website, promoting its activities and various training programmes for persons with disability. This in itself is a further proof of the usefulness of my initiative together with the Special Olympics Malta only a few months ago to set up their own fully-fledged branch in Gozo.
The success achieved over the years by Special Olympics Malta vouch for their commitment in assessing young athletes from among the disability cohort, giving them the highest possible training towards a healthy competitive spirit. Past achievements at both local and international level motivate the importance they are giving young athletes with a disability through a level playing field in their aspirations to develop their competitive skills. I have personally witnessed the untainted joy of these athletes and their parents when attaining their shining medals in many sports disciplines!
It is a known secret that I have strongly pushed forward the Special Olympics Malta Committee to extend their programmes to the sister island, where I knew many families would have embraced with open arms such opportunities for their own children. The Committee’s response was immediately positive and it is indeed a pleasure to notice their continuous commitment among the disability cohort in Gozo. Only recently we could all cherish the first ever international success achieved by a Gozitan athlete with a disability and this is encouraging more to join with an astonishing initial intake of 25 Gozitan athletes.
It is of vital importance for all to note that these sportive and competitive initiatives are of great benefit to the much desired moral support the respective families can expect. This is better expressed in the way our young athletes look ahead and aspire to self fulfilment and personal development. Special Olympics Malta in Gozo is actually being catalysts in this mission among the disability community.
Over and above my frequently statements in support of the Special Olympics Malta activities, I must also declare on behalf of the Government all due appreciation of the dedication shown by trainers and coaches. The personalised service provided to each athlete is to be lauded as it effectively instils higher self esteem in each young person with a disability. We can never estimate fully how encouraging and inspiring all this can be to parents and the immediate families.
I sincerely augur that this new portal, while serving as a promotional opportunity for Special Olympics in Gozo, it further turns out to be an efficient channel for all who seek support on their path to achieve the success they deserve. It gives me pride to conclude my message with an undeniable fact: this too adds up to the incessant efforts in this Government’s quest for a fair society.
Hon. Dr Justyne Caruana
Parliamentary Secretary for the Rights of Persons with a Disability and Active Ageing.
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Programs and Initiatives
Athlete Leadership Committee (ALC)
The athlete leadership committee is the board directed by the athletes themselves for the athletes, who are responsible in the decision making of some, if not most of Special Olympics decisions. The Athlete Leaders are trained and educated on how to further improve the message and decisions that the athletes have towards the Special Olympics Malta Board of Directors.
World Summer Games
Special Olympics Summer World Games are held once in every 4 years. Athletes train themselves and strive to give their best at such a high level of competitions.
European Games
The European Games are held once every 4 years. 58 European countries meet together for competitions. Each hosting country will decide how many sports are offered during these games.
Healthy Athletes Program
The Healthy Athletes program offers free health services and information to athletes in need around the World.
Young Athletes Program
The Young Athletes Program is another year-round sports training program designed for children with intellectual disabilities aged between 2 and 7.
Motor Activity Training Program (MATP)
The Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Program is designed for athletes with severe or profound intellectual disability who are unable to participate in Official Special Olympics sport competitions because of their skill and/or functional abilities.
Unified Sports
Integrating our Athletes into society and enabling them to live meaningful independent lives is a task that Special Olympics has at heart and we work very closely with the Athletes’ families to achieve this.

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