Healthy Athlete Screening
One of Special Olympics’ biggest program is the Healthy Athletes Screening. This program is aimed to scan every athlete in competitions to improve their ability to compete and advance.
The Healthy Athlete Screening debut on the 1997, it began with the goal to organize an event that welcomes everyone, which is educational, fun, supportive and that helps the athlete to start living a healthier lifestyle.
During the screening the medical professionals take parameters and readings to determine if there is anything that needs to be further checked, for example, if the athlete’s dental posture is not a healthy one or is noticed that the athlete’s diet may not be ideal, than the dentist or dental assistants would refer the athlete for further testing in order tackle the underlying condition, which may also be overlooked due to several factors.
Since its inception more than 155,000 medical professionals, both warranted and students were given the opportunity to train to be able to treat people who have intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disabilities.
Locally Special Olympics Malta does this type of screening nation wide every year to ensure that everyone is in a healthy and safeguarded.
In the Malta Invitational Games 2022 the Healthy Athlete Screening will be taking place at the Westin Dragonara Hotel during the competition days.